Preprints and publications since 2003
1. (with J. Sánchez) On Perturbation of k-Regularized Resolvent Families, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics. vol 7 (2), (2003), 217-227.
2. (with H. Prado ) Rates of Approximation and Ergodic Liimits of Regularized Operator Families. J. Approx. Theory. vol 122 (1), (2003), 42-61.
3. (with I. Cioranescu ) On the Inversion of the Laplace Transform for Resolvent Families in UMD Spaces. Arch.Math. 81(2), (2003), 182-192.
4. (with V. Vergara) Uniform Stability of Resolvent Families, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 132 (1), (2004), 175-181.
5. (with V. Keyantuo ) Fourier Multipliers and Integro-Differential Equations in Banach Space. J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) 69 (2004), 737-750.
6. (with V. Keyantuo) Maximal Regularity for a Class of Integro-Differential Equations with Infinite Delay in Banach Spaces. Studia Mathematica, 168(1)(2005), 25-50.
7. (with H. Prado ) Singular Perturbations of Integro-Differential Equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 175(2)(2006), 1582-1595.
8. Fourier Multipliers and Periodic Solutions of Delay Equations in Banach Spaces. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 324(2)(2006),921-933.
9. (with V. Keyantuo ) Periodic Solutions to Second Order Differential Equations in Banach Spaces. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 253(2006),489-514.
10. (with V. Poblete) Maximal Regularity of Delay Equations in Banach Spaces. Studia Mathematica, 175 (2006), 91-102.
11.(with V. Keyantuo) Hölder Continuous Solutions for Integro-Differential Equations and Maximal Regularity. Journal of Differential Equations, 230 (2006), 634-660.
12. (with H. Prado) Singular Perturbation for Volterra Equations of Convolution Type. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 181(2006), 1624-1634.
13. (with A. Karczewska) Regularity of Solutions to Stochastic Volterra Equations with Infinite Delay. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135(2007), 531-540.
14.(with V. Poblete) On Multiplicative Perturbation of Integral Resolvent Families. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 327(2) (2007), 1335-1359.
15.(with A. Karczewska) Stochastic Volterra equations driven by cylindrical Wiener process, Journal of Evolution Equations, 7(2007), 373-386.
16.(with A. Karczewska) On stochastic fractional Volterra equations in Hilbert space, Discrete Cont. Dyn. Sys. Series A, Supplement (2007), 541-550.
17.(with C.Cuevas) Maximal Regularity of Discrete Second Order Cauchy Problems in Banach Spaces. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 13 (12) (2007), 1129-1138.
18.(with V. Keyantuo) Mild Well-Posedness of Abstract Differential Functional Analysis and Evolution Equations, editors: H. Amann, W. Arendt, M. Hieber, F. M. Neubrander, S. Nicaise and J. von Below, Birkhauser-Basel, 371-387, 2008.
19.(with C. Cuevas) Semilinear Evolution Equations of Second Order via Maximal Regularity. Advances in Difference Equations, 2008, Article ID 316207 (2008).
20.(with C. Cuevas) Almost Automorphic Solutions to a class of Semilinear Fractional Differential Equations. Applied Math. Letters, 21 (2008), 1315-1319.
21. (with V. Poblete) Maximal Regularity for Perturbed Integral Equations on Periodic Lebesgue Spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 348 (2008), 775-786.
22.(with D. Araya) Almost Automorphic Mild Solutions to Fractional Differential Equations, Nonlinear Analysis, Series A: Theory Methods and Applications, 69 (2008),3692-3705.
23.(with A. Karczewska) Strong Solutions to Stochastic Volterra Equations. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 349 (2009), 301-310.
24.(with V.Keyantuo and V. Poblete) Periodic Solutions of Integro-differential Equations in Vector-valued Function Spaces. Journal of Differential Equations, 246(3) (2009), 1007-1037.
25. (with A. Castro and C. Cuevas) Maximal regularity of the discrete harmonic oscillator equation. Advances in Difference Equations,2009, Article ID 290625, 14 p. (2009). doi:10.1155/2009/290625.
26.(with H.Prado) On Duality and Spectral Properties of (a,k)-Regularized Resolvents. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A, 139 (3), (2009), 505-517.
27. (with C. Cuevas) Well
posedness for a class of flexible structure in Holder spaces. Mathematical
Problems in Engineering
Volume 2009, Article ID 358329, 13 pages, doi:10.1155/2009/358329.
28. (with D. Araya and R. Castro) Almost automorphic solutions of difference equations. Advances in Difference Equations,Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 591380, 15 pages, doi:10.1155/2009/591380.
29. (with V. Keyantuo and P. Miana) Algebra homomorphisms defined via convoluted semigroups and cosine functions. Journal of Functional Analysis, 257 (2009) 3454-3487.
30. (with H. Henríquez) Compact almost automorphic solutions to integral equations with infinite delay. Nonlinear Analysis, Series A, Theory Methods and Applications, 71 (2009), 6029-6037.
31. (with A. Karczewska) Solutions to stochastic fractional relaxation equations. Physica Scripta T, 136 (2009), 014030 (7pp.)
32. (with C. Cuevas) Almost automorphic solutions to integral equations on the line. Semigroup Forum, 79(3) (2009), 461-472.
33.(with C.Cuevas) Semilinear Evolution Equations on Discrete Time and Maximal Regularity. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 361 (2010), 234-245.
34. (with S. Calzadillas) Bounded mild solutions of perturbed Volterra equations with infinite delay. Nonlinear Analysis, Series A, Theory Methods and Applications, 72 (11) (2010), 3976-3983.
35. (with H. Prado) Fractional relaxation equations on Banach spaces. Applied Math. Letters, 23 (2) (2010), 137-142.
36. (with C. Fernández and V. Poblete) Maximal regularity for flexible structural systems in Lebesgue spaces. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol 2010, Article ID196956, (2010), 15p.
37.(with P. Miana) A Kallman-Rota inequality for generators of families of bounded operators. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 371 (2010), 614-623.
38.(with A. Karczewska) Solutions to stochastic fractional oscillation equations. Applied Math. Letters, 23 (11) (2010), 1361-1366.
39. (with C. Cuevas) S-asymptotically w-periodic solutions for semilinear Volterra equations. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 33 (13) (2010), 1628-1636.
40. (with A. Castro and C. Cuevas) Well posedness of second order evolution equation on discrete time. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 16(10) (2010), 1165-1178.
41. (with G.M. N'Guérékata) Bounded mild solutions for semilinear integro-differential equations in Banach spaces. Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 68 (2) (2010), 207-227.
42. (with R. Rebolledo) Cosine and Gaussian transforms. Communications on Stochastic Analysis, 4 (4) (2010), 541-551.
43. (with R. Ponce) Periodic solutions of degenerate differential equations in vector-valued function spaces. Studia Mathematica, 202 (2011), 49-63.
44. An operator theoretical approach to a class of fractional order differential equations. Applied Math. Letters, 24 (2) (2011), 184-190.
45. (with V. Poblete) Periodic solutions of fractional differential equations with delay. Journal of Evolution Equations, 11 (2011), 57-70.
46.(with R. Ponce) Bounded solutions to a class of semilinear integro-differential equations in Banach spaces. Nonlinear Analysis, Series A, Theory Methods and Applications, 74 (2011), 3397-3406.
47.(with C. Fernández and V. Poblete) Regularity of solutions for a third order differential equation in Hilbert spaces. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217 (21) (2011), 8522-8533.
48. (with V. Keyantuo) A characterization of periodic solutions for time-fractional differential equations in UMD spaces and applications. Mathematische Nachrichten, 284 (4) (2011), 494–506.
49. (with B. De Andrade) Existence of asymptotically almost periodic solutions for damped wave equations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 382 (2011), 761-771.
50. (with R. Ponce) Almost automorphic solutions to abstract Volterra equations on the line. Nonlinear Analysis, Series A, Theory Methods and Applications, 74 (2011), 3805-3814.
51.(with P. Irarrazaval, V. Parot, C. Tejos and C.Sing-Long) The fractional Fourier transform and quadratic field magnetic resonance imaging. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 62 (2011), 1576-1590.
52.(with H. Henriquez) Periodic solutions of abstract functional differential equations with infinite delay. Nonlinear Analysis, Series A, Theory Methods and Applications, 75 (2012), 2016-2023.
53. (with J.C. De Souza) The complex
inversion formula in UMD spaces for families of bounded operators. Applicable
Analysis, 91 (15) (2012), 937-946.
54. (with V. Keyantuo) On a connection between powers of operators and fractional Cauchy problems. Journal of Evolution Equations, 12 (2012), 245–265.
55.(with V. Parot, C. Sing-Long, C. Tejos, S. Uribe and P. Irarrazaval) Application of the fractional Fourier transform to image reconstruction in MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 68 (2012), 17-29.
56. (with F. Poblete) On a functional equation associated with (a,k)-regularized resolvent families. Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2012, Article ID 495487, 23 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/495487.
57. (with D. Araya) Existence of asymptotically almost automorphic solutions for a third order differential equation. E.J. Qualitative Theory of Diff. Eq. 53 (2012), 1-20.
58. Solutions of two-term time fractional order differential equations with nonlocal initial conditions. E.J. Qualitative Theory of Diff. Eq. 82 (2012), 1-9.
59. (with E. Alvarez-Pardo) The maximal subspace for generation of (a,k)-regularized families. Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 683021, 14 pages doi:10.1155/2012/683021.
60. (with C. Cuevas and H. Henríquez) On the existence of almost automorphic solutions of Volterra difference equations. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 18(11)(2012), 1931-1946.
61. (with R. Ponce) Maximal regularity for perturbed integral equations on the line. Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory 74 (2012), 513–526.
62.(with J.C. Pozo) Existence of mild solutions for semilinear integrodifferential equations with nonlocal conditions. Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 647103, 15 pages doi:10.1155/2012/647103.
63.(with E. Alvarez-Pardo) Pseudo asymptotic solutions of fractional order semilinear equations. Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 7 (2) (2013), 42-52.
64. (with C. Milovic, C. Oses, M. Villalon, S. Uribe, C. Prieto, M. Andia, P. Irarrazaval, C. Tejos) Calcium (Ca2+) waves data calibration and analysis using image processing techniques. BMC Bioinformatics, 14 (162) (2013), 1-14.
65. (with J. G. Mesquita) Almost automorphic solutions of nonautonomous difference equations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 407 (2) (2013), 339-349.
66.(with V. Keyantuo and M. Warma) Asymptotic behavior of fractional order semilinear evolution equations. Differential and Integral Equations, 26 (7/8) (2013), 757-780.
67.(with G. N'Guérékata) Mild solutions for abstract fractional differential equations. Applicable Analysis, 92 (8) (2013), 1731-1754.
68. (with P.J. Miana and F. Poblete) Uniform stability of (a,k)- regularized families. Asymptotic Analysis, 84(2013), 47-60.
69. (with J. G. Mesquita) Almost automorphic solutions of dynamic equations on times scales. Journal of Functional Analysis, 265 (2013), 2267-2311.
70.(with R. Ponce) Maximal regularity for degenerate differential equations with infinite delay in periodic vector-valued function spaces. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 56(3) (2013), 853-871.
71. (with C. Cuevas and H. Soto) Asymptotic periodicity for strongly damped wave equations. Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2013, Article ID 308616, 14 pages
72. (with F. Poblete) Regularity of mild solutions for a class of fractional order differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 224 (2013), 803-816.
73. (with V. Keyantuo and M. Warma) Spectral criteria for solvability of boundary value problems and positivity of solutions of time-fractional differential equations. Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2013, Article ID 614328, 11 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/614328.
74. (with R. Rebolledo) On a class of non Markovian Langevin Equations. Open Systems & Information Dynamics.20 (4) (2013). Article ID 1350016, 17 pages. doi:10.1142/S1230161213500169.
75. Some operators acting on weighted sequence Lebesgue spaces and applications. Scientia Iranica, Transaction B: Mechanical Engineering, 20 (6) (2013), 1765-1772.
76. (with C. Cuevas) Existence of S-asymptotically w-periodic solutions for two-times fractional order differential equations. Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 37 (5) (2013), 683-690.
77. (with E. Alvarez-Pardo) Mild solutions of multi-term fractional order differential equations with non local initial conditions. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2014 (2014), No. 39, pp. 1-10.
78. (with A. Karczewska) Stochastic Volterra equations under perturbations. Electron. Commun. Probab. 19 (2014), no. 29, 1–14.
79. (with R. Agarwal and C. Cuevas)[Book] Regularity of Difference Equations on Banach Spaces. Springer-Verlag, Cham, 2014. Hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-06446-8
80. (with P.J. Miana, R. Ponce and L. Sánchez-LaJusticia) On the boundedness of generalized Cèsaro operators on Sobolev spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 419(1) (2014), 373-394.
81. (with J. G. Mesquita and R. Ponce) On the connection of almost periodic functions defined on time scales and R. Applicable Analysis, 93(12)(2014), 2547-2558.
82. (with E. Alvarez-Pardo) Weighted pseudo almost periodic solutions to a class of semilinear integro-differential equations in Banach spaces. Advances in Difference Equations, 13 (2015), 1-18.
83. (with A. Conejero and F. Rodenas) Chaotic behaviour of the solutions of the Moore-Gibson-Thomson equation. Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 9(5) (2015), 1-16.
84. (with M.P. Velasco) Abstract Volterra equations with state dependent delay. Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 27(2) (2015), 219-231.
85. (with E. Alvarez-Pardo and R. Ponce) Weighted pseudo antiperiodic solutions for fractional integro-differential equations in Banach spaces. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 259 (2015), 164-172.
86.(with O. Ciaurri, L. Roncal and J.L. Varona) On a connection between the discrete fractional Laplacian and superdiffusion. Applied Math. Letters, 49 (2015), 119-125.
87.(with E. Alvarez-Pardo) Weighted pseudo almost automorphic mild solutions for two-term fractional order differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 271 (2015), 154-167.
88. lp-maximal regularity for fractional difference equations on UMD spaces. Mathematische Nachrichten, 288 (17/18) (2015), 2079-2092.
89. (with C. Cuevas, G. M. N'Guérékata and H.S. Ding) Asymptotic behavior of nonlinear evolution equations. Abstract and Applied Analysis. 2015 (2015) Art ID 430238.
90. (with J. Mesquita) Addendum to "Almost automorphic solutions of dynamic equations on time scales" [J. Funct. Anal. 265 (10) (2013) 2267-2311]. Journal of Functional Analysis, 269 (7) (2015), 2302-2303.
91. (with A. Conejero and F. Rodenas) Dynamics of the solutions of the Water Hammer equations. Topology and its Applications, 203 (2016), 67-83.
92. (with L. Abadías and P.J. Miana) Sharp extensions and algebraic properties for solution families of vector-valued differential equations. Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 10(1) (2016), 169-208.
93. (with L. Abadias) Almost automorphic mild solutions to fractional partial difference-differential equations. Applicable Analysis, 95 (6) (2016), 1347-1369.
94. (with E. Alvarez) Attractivity for functional Volterra integral equations of convolution type. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 30 (2016), 230-240.
95. (with A. Conejero y M. Murillo) On the existence of chaos for the viscous Van Wijngaarden Eringen equation. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 89 (2016), 100-104.
96.(with V. Keyantuo and M. Warma) Existence, regularity and representation of solutions of time fractional diffusion equations. Advances in Differential Equations, 21 (9-10) (2016), 837-886.
97. (with M.P. Velasco) Weighted bounded solutions for a class of nonlinear fractional equations. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 19 (4) (2016), 1010-1030.
98. (with E. Alvarez) Weighted pseudo almost automorphic and S-asymptotically w-periodic solutions to fractional difference-differential equations. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 270 (2016), 1-12.
99.(with L.Abadias, P.J. Miana and M.P. Velasco) Cesàro sums and algebra homomorphisms of bounded operators. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 216 (1) (2016), 471-505.
100. (with R. Ponce and A. Pereira) On the compactness of fractional resolvent operator functions. Semigroup Forum, 93(2) (2016), 363-374.
101. (with E. Álvarez) Application of measure of noncompactness to Volterra equations of convolution type. Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 28 (4) (2016), 441-458.
102. (with M. Murillo) lp-maximal regularity for a class of fractional difference equations on UMD spaces: The case 1<alpha <2. Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 11 (1) (2017), 188-206.
103. (with R. Ponce and A. Pereira) Norm continuity for strongly continuous families of operators. International Journal of Evolution Equations, 10 (2) (2017), 161-178.
104. (with J.G. Mesquita, R. Ponce and E. Toon) Almost automorphic solutions of Volterra equations on time scales. Differential and Integral Equations, 30 (9-10)(2017), 667-694.
105. (with J. Pereira and E. Toon) On the exponential stability of Samuelson model on some classes of time scales. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 325 (2017), 1-17.
106. (with A. Conejero, M. Murillo and A. Peris) Linear Dynamics of semigroups generated by differential operators. Open Mathematics, 15 (2017), 745-767.
107. The Poisson distribution, abstract fractional difference equations, and stability. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 145 (9) (2017), 3809-3827.
108. (with M. Murillo) Maximal regularity in lp spaces for discrete time fractional shifted equations. Journal of Differential Equations, 263 (6) (2017), 3175-3196.
109. (with A. Conejero and M. Murillo) Chaotic semigroups from second order partial differential equations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 456 (1) (2017), 402-411.
110. (with V. Keyantuo and M. Warma) Existence, regularity and representation of solutions of fractional wave equations. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol 2017 (22) (2017), 1-42.
111. (with L. Roncal) Hölder-Lebesgue regularity and almost periodicity for semidiscrete equations with a fractional Laplacian. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series A, 38 (3)(2018), 1365-1403.
112. (with R. Rebolledo) A semigroup approach to fractional Poisson processes. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 12 (3) (2018), 777-785.
113. (with L. Abadías and M. Murillo) Hölder regularity for the Moore-Gibson-Thomson equation with infinite delay. Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis, 17 (1) (2018), 243-265.
114. (with. F. Poblete) A characterization of well-posedness for abstract Cauchy problems with finite delay. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 457 (1) (2018), 410-435.
115.(with D. Fuente, J. F. Urchueguia, J.A. Conejero) Estimation of light field inside photosynthetic microorganism cultures through Mittag-Leffler functions at depleted light conditions. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 204 (2018), 23-26.
116. (with C. Leal and M. Murillo) Lebesgue regularity for differential difference equations with fractional damping. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 41 (2018), 2535-2545.
117. (with M. Murillo) Well posedness for semidiscrete abstract fractional Cauchy problems with finite delay. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 339 (2018), 356-366.
118. (with. C. Leal and M. Murillo) Lebesgue regularity for nonlocal time-discrete equations with delays. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 21 (3) (2018), 696-715.
119. (with E. Alvarez and L. Abadías) Regularity properties of mild solutions for a class of abstract Volterra equation with critical nonlinearities. Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 30 (2) (2018), 219-256.
120. (with S. Rueda) Nonlocal integrated solutions for a class of abstract evolution equations. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 164 (1) (2019), 165-183.
121. (with A. Conejero, M. Murillo and J. B. Seoane-Sepúlveda) Well posedness for degenerate third order equations with delay and applications to inverse problems. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 229 (1) (2019), 219-254.
122. (with M. P. Velasco, P. J. Miana and L. Abadías) On well-posedness of vector-valued fractional differential-difference equations. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series A, 39 (5) (2019), 2679-2708.
123. [Chapter of Book] Abstract Linear Fractional Evolution Equations, in: Handbook of Fractional Calculus with Applications. Volume 2: Fractional Differential Equations. Ed. by A. Kochubei and Y. Luchko, De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston, 2019, pp. 465-498. ISBN 978-3-11-057166-022
124.[Chapter of Book] Abstract Nonlinear Fractional Evolution Equations, in: Handbook of Fractional Calculus with Applications. Volume 2: Fractional Differential Equations, Ed. by A. Kochubei and Y. Luchko, De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston, 2019, pp. 465-498. De Gruyter, Berlin, 2019, pp. 499-514. ISBN 978-3-11-057166-0.
125. (with E. Alvarez and S. Diaz) On the existence and uniqueness of (N, Lambda)-periodic solutions to a class of Volterra difference equations. Advances in Difference Equations, 109 (1) (2019), 1-12.
126. (with S. Zamorano) Controllability results for the Moore--Gibson--Thompson equation arising in nonlinear acoustics. Journal of Differential Equations, 266 (12)(2019), 7813-7843.
127. (with V. Keyantuo and M. Warma) Lattice dynamical systems associated to a fractional Laplacian. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 40 (11) (2019), 1315-1343.
128. (with V. Keyantuo, S. Rueda and M. Warma). Asymptotic behavior of mild solutions for a class of abstract nonlinear difference equations of convolution type, Advances in Difference Equations, 251 (1) (2019), 1-29.
129. (with L. Gambera and A. Prokopczyck) On close to scalar families for fractional evolution equations: Zero-one law. Semigroup Forum, 99 (2019), 140-152.
130. (with J. González-Camus, V. Keyantuo and M. Warma) Fundamental solutions for discrete dynamical systems involving the fractional Laplacian. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences,42 (2019), 4688-4711.
131. (with M. Murillo) Maximal lp regularity for discrete time Volterra equations with delay. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 25 (9-10), (2019), 1344-1362.
132. (with A. Conejero, A. Mira-Iglesias and C. Rodero) Visibility graphs of fractional Wu-Baleanu time series. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 25 (9-10) (2019), 1321-1331.
133. (with L. Abadías, E. Alvarez and J. Banas) Solvability and uniform local attractivity for a Volterra equation of convolution type. Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 31 (2) (2019), 149-164.
134. (with J. G. Mesquita) Asymptotically almost automorphic solutions of dynamic equations on times scales. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis (2019), 54 (1) (2019), 59-80.
135. (with M. Murillo) Discrete maximal regularity for Volterra equations and nonlocal time-stepping schemes. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series A, 40 (1) (2020), 509-528.
136. (with J. W. He and Y. Zhou) The Cauchy problem for discrete-time fractional evolution equations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 370 (2020), 112683.
137. (with M. Trujillo) The time fractional approach for the modeling of thermal therapies: Temperature analysis in laser irradiation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 154 (2020) 119677
138. (with E. Alvarez). The super-diffusive singular perturbation problem. Mathematics, 8 (3) (2020), 403, doi:10.3390/math8030403.
139. (with J. González-Camus) Globally attractive mild solutions for non-local in time subdiffusion equations of neutral type. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 55 (1) (2020), 85-103.
140. (with C. Goodrich) A transference principle for nonlocal operators using a convolutional approach: Fractional monotonicity and convexity. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 236 (2) (2020), 533-589.
141. (with. C. Goodrich). Positivity, monotonicity and convexity for convolution operators. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series A, 40 (8) (2020), 4961-4983.
142. (with J.G. Mesquita and H. Henriquez) Semigroups on time scales and applications to abstract Cauchy problems. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 56 (1) (2020), 83-115.
143. (with M. Murillo y A. Peris) Nonlocal operators are chaotic. Chaos 30 (10) (2020), 103126.
144. (with M. Murillo) Lp-lq well posedness for the Moore-Gibson-Thompson equation with two temperatures on cylindrical domains. Mathematics 8 (10) (2020), 1-8.
145. (with M. Murillo) Lp-Lq maximal regularity of the Van Wijngaarden-Eringen equation in a cylindrical domain. Advances in Difference Equations 2020 (1) (2020), 591.
146. (with E. Alvarez, R. Grau and J. Mesquita). Volterra Stieltjes integral equations and impulsive Volterra-Stieltjes integral equations. Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations. 2021 (2021), 1-20.
147. (with R. Ponce) Solutions of abstract integro-differential equations via Poisson transformation. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 44 (3) (2021), 2495-2505.
148. (with L. Gambera y A. Prokopczyk) Well-posedness for the abstract Blackstock-Crighton-Westervelt equation. Journal of Evolution Equations, 21 (1) (2021), 313-337.
149. (with J. Bravo and S. Rueda). Second and third order forward difference operator: what is in between?. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales-Serie A: Mathematicas (RACSAM) 115 (2) (2021), 86.
150. (with J. González-Camus and P. J. Miana). Fundamental solutions for semidiscrete evolution equations via Banach algebras. Advances in Difference Equations. 2021 (1) (2021), 35.
151. (with J. Bravo) Normal periodic solutions for the fractional abstract Cauchy problem. Boundary Value Problems. 2021(53) (2021)
152. (with M. Murillo). Well-posedness for the fourth order equation of Moore-Gibson-Thompson type. Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations. 2021 (81), (2021).
153. (with C. Goodrich) Existence and monotonicity of nonlocal boundary value problems: The one-dimensional case. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 152 (1) (2022), 1--27.
154. (with E Alvarez and S. Diaz) C-Semigroups, subordination principle and the Lévy alpha--stable distribution on discrete time. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics. 24 (1) (2022), 2050063.
155. (with E. Alvarez and S. Díaz) Existence of ( N, lambda) - periodic solutions for abstract fractional difference equations. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics. 19 (1) (2022), 47.
156. (with M. Murillo) On a connection between the N-dimensional fractional Laplacian and 1-D operators on lattices. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 511 (1) (2022), 126051.
157. (with J. Bravo and S. Rueda). Qualitative properties of nonlocal discrete operators. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 45 (10) (2022), 6346--6377.
158. (with M. Murillo and M. Trujillo) Fractional Beer-Lambert law in laser heating of biological tissue. AIMS Mathematics. 7 (8) (2022), 14444-14459.
159. (with M. Murillo). Maximal regularity for time-stepping schemes arising from convolution quadrature of non-local in time equations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series A, 42 (8) (2022), 3787-3807.
160. (with M. Warma and S. Zamorano) Exterior controllability properties for a fractional Moore-Gibson-Thompson equation. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 25 (2022), 887-923.
161. (with E. Alvarez). Singular perturbation and initial layer for the Moore-Gibson-Thompson equation. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 516 (1) (2022), 126507.
162. (with J. Bravo). The abstract Cauchy problem with Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative. Mathematics, 10 (2022), 3540.
163. (with M. Murillo). On the dynamics of the damped extensible beam 1D-equation. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 522 (1) (2023), 126954.
164. (with M. Murillo). The semidiscrete damped wave equation with a fractional Laplacian. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 151 (2023), 1987-1999.165. (with R. Ponce). Time discretization and convergence to superdiffusion equations via Poisson distribution. Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis, 22 (2) (2023), 572--596.
166. (with M. Murillo). Periodic solutions for the Blackstock-Crighton-Westervelt equation . Nonlinear Analysis Theory Methods and Applications, 232 (2023), 113277.
167. (with S. Zamorano) Boundary controllability for the Moore-Gibson-Thompson equation, Meccanica, 58(6) (2023), 1031--1038.
168. (with L. Abadias y J. Galé ). Poisson equation and discrete one-sided Hilbert transform for (C, alpha)-bounded operators. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 253 (2) (2023), 917-987.
169.(with A. Conejero and O. Garibo). Recovering discrete delayed fractional equations from trajectories. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (2023),
170. (with A. Conejero and O. Garibo). Inferring the fractional nature of Wu Baleanu trajectories. Nonlinear Dynamics 111 (13) (2023), 12421--12431.
171. (with R. Aparicio and V. Keyantuo). A characterization of uniform well posedness for degenerate second-order abstract differential equations. Results in Mathematics, 78 (2023), 167.
172.(with E. Alvarez and M. Murillo). Strongly Lp well-posedness for abstract time-fractional Moore-Gibson-Thompson type equations. Journal of Differential Equations, 376 (2023), 340-369.
173.(with M. Murillo). On the existence of chaos for the fourth order Moore-Gibson-Thompson equation. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 176 (2023), 114123.
174. (with. C. Goodrich). An unexpected property of fractional difference operators: Finite and eventual monotonicity. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 47 (7) (2024), 5484-5508.
175. (with M. Warma). The semi-discrete diffusion convection equation with decay. Applied Mathematics Letters, 151 (2024), 108979.
176. (with M. Murillo). On semidiscrete models dominated by the heat, wave and Laplace equations. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 44 (8) (2024), 2368--2386.
177. (with E. Alvarez). A characterization of Lp-maximal regularity for time-fractional systems in UMD spaces and applications. Journal of Differential Equations, 389 (2024), 257--284.
178.(with A. Conejero and O. Garibo). On a new paradigm in the logistic and similar maps: time stepping schemes. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales-Serie A: Mathematicas (RACSAM), 118 (2) (2204), 75.
179. (with A. Conejero, O. Garibo and A. Akgul). Predictive deep learning models for analyzing discrete fractional dynamics from noisy and incomplete data. Chinese Journal of Physics, 89 (2024), 1276--1285.
180. (with E. Alvarez and S. Diaz). Lp(Lq)-maximal regularity for damped linear equations in a cylindrical domain. Fractal and Fractional. 8 (9) (2024), 516.
181. (with P.O. Mohammed, E. Al-Sarairah, J. L. G. Girao, N. Chorfi and M.Vivas-Cortez) Analysis sequential fractional differences and related monotonicity results. Fractals, 32(7-8) (2024), 2440037.
182.(with P. O. Mohammed, A.A. Lupas, E. Al-Sarairah and M. Abdelwahed) Maximum and minimum results for the Green's functions in delta fractional difference settings. Symmetry 16 (8) (2024), 991.
183. (with M. Murillo) On proportional hybrid operators in the discrete setting. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences,
184. (with M. Murillo and A. Vargas) On the dynamics of a class of partial differential equations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 545 (1) (2025), 129150.
185.(with A. Prokopczyk and J. Aquino). Well-posedness for strongly damped abstract Cauchy problems of fractional order. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, Published online 2025:1-27. doi:10.1017/prm.2024.134.
186.(with E. Alvarez and M. Murillo). Maximal regularity of solutions for the tempered fractional Cauchy problem .Submitted.
187. (with E. Alvarez and M. Murillo) Holder continuous solutions for tempered fractional equations and maximal regularity. Submitted.
188. (with V. Keyantuo and R. Aparicio) Characterization of well-posedness for second order abstract differential equations on continuous function spaces. Submitted.
189. (with J. M. Jonnalagadda) Existence and uniqueness of solutions to the abstract discrete-time Cauchy problem in vector-valued weighted spaces. Submitted.
190.(with A. Akgul and A. Conejero) A unified approach to constant proportional operators. Submitted.
191. (with M. Murillo) Well-posedness to non-local in time equations endowed with a fractional discrete Laplacian, Submitted.
192. (with. E. Alvarez and M. Murillo) Well-posedness of time-fractional systems in vector-valued Holder spaces. Submitted.
193. (with E. Alvarez and M. Murillo) Well-posedness in Lebesgue-Bochner spaces of a time-fractional Moore-Gibson-Thompson equation. Submitted.
194. (with J.M. Jonnalagadda) On the abstract fractional Cauchy problem: new findings in the discrete setting. Submitted.
195. (with A. Conejero and D. Quijada) Dynamical properties for a unified class of one-dimensional discrete maps. Submitted.
Last update: January 13, 2025